Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Balancing Your Day

Ok, so is it really possible or just a myth?   I'm sure I've had some balanced days in my life but after adding two babies to the mix, there have been far fewer.  I'd say that balance is one of the hardest things to achieve in life, never mind business.  There are so many elements that factor in: organization, scheduling, consistency, motivation, etc...  Of course, something unexpected could put a wrench in the whole day!  The idea of balance is very broad and I must admit one of the main reasons I feel we, woman, need support. 

The solution is not to focus on perfection but to adjust each element and work on changing one thing at a time.  Here are some things I've learned and am working to implement in our household and my business.
  • Control your calendar.  Use one calendar to organize all the appointments and activities of each person in your family, as well as your business.
  • Create a schedule.  Include what time you wake up, household chores, meals, children's activities, and office hours.
  • Organize your environment.  This promotes better time management and reduces stress and  distraction.
  • Make a written "To Do" list.  Prioritize it and use it as a visual reminder for the day.
  • Be Consistent.  Continually do the things you need to do without procrastination.
  • Avoid distractions.  Track the amount of time you spend on the phone, online, or in front of the tv.
  • Get Motivated!  Find inspiration from text, a friend, or a group and avoid negative people. 
  • Reward yourself.  Working hard all day (and night) can take its toll.  Care for yourself by allowing some time in your schedule to decompress and relax.
It sure does look simple when it is spelled out on paper.  For me this last year with my twin boys has wreaked havoc on any "balance" we had in our household.  Our attempt to rework a routine that includes balance has brought me back to many of the principles I've been taught again and again.  As we all know, things change quickly and we must learn to continually adjust!

I can't wait to hear your thoughts.  Do you have an element to add?  Which area is the biggest struggle for you?  Over the next few blogs, I'll look at each element individually to share what I've learned about each.  Be sure to check back and offer your special insight on each.  After all, I'm learning too!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Stats To Impress

There are over 15.1 million people involved in direct selling, 90% of those are women and more than half of those women are under the age of 44.  That means there are a lot of moms out there trying to juggle a business with their family!
  • Additional Fast Facts
    • 77% of sellers have been with their company 1+ years
    • 80% of sellers say direct selling meets or exceeds their expectations
    • 85% of sellers report a good, very good or excellent experience with direct selling
    • 74% of US adults have purchased products from a direct seller
    • 15.1 million people in the U.S. are involved in direct selling
    • $29.6 billion in total US sales
    • $114 billion sales worldwide
( facts from http://www.directselling411.com)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

-Jeremiah 29:11

A Balancing Act

The "term" stay-at-home mom can have such a range of meanings these days.  Some mom’s home school their children. Others volunteer for the various activities their family is a part of and end up making that a full-time job. Many, like me, want to be at home with their children but find it mentally and financially necessary to work as well. While the various household tasks and requirements of raising children are a job in itself, the majority of moms I know find many other activities to occupy their time whether they are a paid or volunteer job.

Seven years ago I became an independent distributor for a direct sales company. Over the course of those years my personal situation has changed from being single, to married, and now a stay-at-home mom. While there are many moms involved in direct sales, some of the moms working from home have created their own small businesses or have been given a home office from a corporation.

Moms working from home face a unique set of challenges as they work two jobs simultaneously: raising their children and building a business. Regardless of what our business is, we are all moms working to achieve much of the same goals fighting the same battles. In creating this blog, I wish to unite women in support of one another.
